Purse From Nepal & A Photograph Within

It was in Nepal. During a wedding. Weddings are often emotional. A wedding of an ex-boyfriend is even more so.

I wanted to buy something there, something that I could put both my keys and my money in. Something to remember.

I found this purse.

This purse reminds me of a time which is gone—a wonderful time in which I climbed up the Annapurna, a time where I remember a great but past relationship. A time where I understood that some things were gone but that they would inevitably be replaced by other beautiful ones.

Today, I think that exchanging those memories for a piece of art showing love and birth is the most significant thing I can do.

That’s why I accepted that I had to leave that purse. That’s also why I decided to put a photograph in it before the exchange. It’s a picture of my brother, a person I had to leave too.



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