50 exchanges, 50 great shared moments!

We would like to thank all the people who took part in the ARtME project during 48 Hours Neukölln in Berlin last week.

During 48 Hours Neukölln, we met a lot of different people—women and men, singles and families, younger and older individuals—a lot of wonderful people who were willing to exchange their personal objects for art objects. Some people already knew about the ARtME Collection and had come prepared with an object they wanted to exchange. Others were just passing by, discovered the project, and decided to take part. Some exchanged objects they had on hand, something they always carried with them, while others ran back home to pick something out.

During 48 hours, some people told us entertaining and sweet memories, others shared darker ones. Some people wanted to remember, others wanted to forget.

During 48 hours, we shared more than a mere exchange of objects with the people we met—we shared intimacy, humanity.

During 48 hours, we began the ARtME Collection.



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